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View metered usage processing status

You can view if the metered usage is processed successfully, view errors, and manage failures (for details on errors, see Fix metered usage errors) using the following two options:

  • User interface (UI) on the Metered usage page.
  • Metered usage V2 API. For more information on how to check the metered usage processing status if using V2 API, see Fetch usage processing status.

The Metered usage page (UI) displays the processing status for usage submitted:

  • With Metered usage V2 API
  • By AppDirect, for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) billing products such as Google Cloud Platform, Azure, and Amazon Web Services pay-as-you-go. For details on IaaS metered usage processing, for more information, see View IaaS billing metered usage processing status.

The Metered usage page displays the following information, depending on your role:

  • Marketplace Managers: Every metered usage request submitted to the marketplace.
  • Developers who belong to a Developer company that owns products: Every metered usage request submitted to the marketplace for their products.
  • Developers who belong to the company that owns the marketplace: No access to the Metered usage page.

To check metered usage processing status and errors from the UI

  1. Go to Manage > Marketplace > Dashboard | BILLING | Metered Usage.
    The Metered usage page opens. It displays:
    • Usage requests, when requests were submitted without a Request Group ID.
    • Groups of usage requests, when requests were submitted with a Request Group ID (with the optional requestGroupId parameter).
    • Summary of each request or request group.
      For definitions of the information that appears on this page, see the Request summary information section below.
  2. Click a request, or request group, row. The request details page opens. Based on the status, the following tabs appear:
    • Successful
    • Failed
    • In Progress,
      These tabs display metered usage events included in the requests. For details that appear on this page, see Request detailssetion below.
  3. To view events currently being processed, click In Progress.
  4. To view events that failed, click Failed.
  5. To view the errors that caused a request to fail, click a request row. System errors and Data errors tabs display failed events.
    For details that appear in these tabs, see the Failed event errorssection below.

You can also reprocess system errors, for details, see Fix metered usage errors.

Metered usage processing status information that appears in the UI

Request summary information

The Metered usage page displays a list of requests and a summary of each one.

Request summary

Request details
  • Date and time the request was submitted
  • Request identifier—System-generated identifier for the request returned in a response

  • Or

  • Group Request Identifier—Caller-generated identifier submitted with related requests to associate them (for example, all requests submitted for a particular billing period)
Request status
  • In progress—Usage processing is underway
  • Completed—All usage events in the request were processed successfully
  • Failed—One or more usage events in the run were not processed successfully
Completion date

Date and time run processing finished

Request details

The request details page displays additional information about a request.

Request details

  • Date and time the request was submitted
  • Request identifier—System-generated identifier for the request returned in a response
Request summary pane
  • Request identifier—System-generated identifier for the request returned in a response

  • Or

  • Group Request Identifier—Caller-generated identifier submitted with related requests to associate them (for example, all requests submitted for a particular billing period)
Request status
  • In progress—Usage processing is underway
  • Run Completed—All usage events in the run were processed, successfully or not
  • Failed—All usage requests in a usage submission run failed
  • Usage events received—Number of usage events submitted with the request
  • Usage events failed—Number of usage events in the request that did not process successfully
  • Usage events successful—Number of usage events in the request that were processed successfully
  • Usage events ready—Number of volume pricing events that are ready for bulk processing after the billing period ends (always displays zero for other pricing models)
Reqest processing status tabs

The following tabs appear when there are events in the corresponding status.

The number that appears next to the tab name is the number of requests currently in that status (and that appear on the tab).

  • Successful tab—All events in the request were processed successfully
  • Failed tab—One or more events in the request were not processed successfully
  • In processing tab—The requests for which processing is in progress
Request details
Idempotency key

Vendor- or marketplace-assigned request identifier

Records processed

The number of events currently in the tab status (Successful, Failed, In Progress) and the total number of events in the request

Failed event errors

The Error report page provides additional information about the events that failed to process successfully and why.

Failed event errors

Error report pane
  • Request identifier—System-generated identifier for the request returned in a response
  • Reprocess System Errors—Initiates reprocessing of the events on the System Error tab
  • Download Report—Downloads a .csv file with error details
  • Processed on—Date and time the request was processed
  • Errors processed—The number of events that failed processing and the total number of events in the request
  • Idempotency key—Vendor- or marketplace-assigned request identifier
Error type tabs

The following tabs display events that failed due to the corresponding error type.

The number that appears next to the tab name is the number of events that failed due to the error type (and appear on the tab).

System errors tab
  • Event details—Date and time the request that the event is in was last submitted
  • Request identifier—System-generated identifier for the request returned in a response
  • Error type and Error description—Descriptions of what caused the processing failure
Data errors tab
  • Event details—Date and time the request that the event is in was last submitted
  • Request identifier—System-generated identifier for the request returned in a response
  • Error type and Error description—Descriptions of what caused the processing failure. For example:
    • Reader not found with submitted Reader ID. Submit a different Reader ID, or configure a new reader and then submit its Reader ID.
    • Pricing plan not found for subscription ID.

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